Strategy for
our time

A new dynamic; requiring new clarity
There has been a paradigm shift in the relationship between organisations and brands and their audiences; with new expectations of what and who businesses, brands and institutions are for.
Globally there is compelling evidence from diverse sectors demonstrating that purposeful brands, organisations and places – those with the greatest clarity on their role and wider impact - are more profitable, more innovative, faster-growing and benefit from greater loyalty from employees, stakeholders and customers.
Operating at the intersection of brand strategy, organisational development and audiences, boardroom consulting partner with ambitious leaders to ensure that future strategy is built on a clear, and shared, sense of that purpose and positive impact.
We help to create the platform for sustainably relevant businesses and organisations, by answering the fundamental questions related to how that organisation defines and thinks of itself: why are we here, what we do, why that matters to those who matter most to us.
We call this fundamental clarity – creating a galvanising definition of the purpose and role of a business, organisation or brand; and embedding this with absolute and shared clarity, so this definition takes its place as the beating heart of future thinking and planning.
© Wellcome Collection
For those
leading change
Purpose, role and positive impact
We create fundamental clarity for ambitious leaders whose businesses, brands, institutions and places are at a crucial inflexion point in their growth and development. Whose senior team has recognised that a stronger, shared sense of identity – of who we are, what we do and why that matters to those that matter to us - is required to underpin future strategy and the delivery of collective ambition.
We explore and answer fundamental questions of identity to accelerate change and drive growth:
With those experiencing a significant shift – both internally and/or in the world around them– where a reinvigorated and shared understanding of their role can support and accelerate change and innovation, to increase organisational agility and responsiveness.
With those facing new and significant opportunity – at a crucial tipping point and in need of a clear platform for growth, where a new clarity on role and relevance allows them to confidently and coherently embrace new opportunities and drive growth
With those organisations hampered by a legacy profile or positioning – in need of a new reinvigorated platform to remain relevant, where clarity on role and impact helps to define the change they seek to make and the way in which they will remain of value and relevance to stakeholders, customers and audiences
With ambitious new ventures – those facing the ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to define and articulate their ambition and impact in such a way as to attract the broadest and deepest support for their vision from all
Since our formation we’ve helped to create fundamental clarity of identity for National Galleries and Museums, major Universities, UK city-regions, rapidly growing life science scale-ups, leading scientific research institutes, global charities and major online retailers. Working with leaders to ensure future strategy is built on, and strengthens, a shared sense of purpose and positive impact; providing the platform on which more sustainable and relevant businesses and organisations are built.